Saturday, January 3, 2015

Pleasing God, pleasing others

Here is a long-ish quote from I'm not sure where, I had it written down in my journal and came across it right when I needed to... This is where I am at and it has been a LONG time getting here and a lot of learning along the way, making mistakes and struggling trying too much to please others first. I hope this is encouraging and freeing to you today. I take this for all relations, in and out of the body of Christ.

"At times you will have to make a choice between pleasing God and pleasing those around you, for God's ways are not mans ways. ( Isa 55:8-9) 

As important as it is to strive for good relations with others, it is even more important to maintain a steadfast and obedient relationship with Christ. Disobeying God to keep peace with other people is never wise. Peace with God is always paramount.
Jesus warned that obeying Him might cause division in your relationships (Matt 10:35-36). Paul went completely against the wishes of his colleagues in order to obey Christ. At times obedience to God sets family members at odds with each other. Yet your obedience to God reflects your identity as His child. 
Get alone in quietness with God so that you understand what pleases Him. The world's thinking will mislead you more easily when you are not clear about what God desires.
If the desire to appease others tempts you to compromise what you know God wants you to, learn from Peter's mistake...(servant girl vs. Lord). 
Please your God regardless of the opinions of others."
-For do I now persuade men, or God? Or do I seek to please men? For if I still pleased men, I would not be a bond servant of Christ. Galatians 1:10 

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